Understanding the 5 Main Feelings

Anxiety is always caused by the fear of being hurt or losing something. What behaviors do you exhibit when anxious?

Worry concerns the future, wants, uncertainty, change, the possibility of things going wrong. What do you worry about?  Do you believe things will turn out negative versus positive?

Anger is always caused by feelings of loss or hurt.  How do you express feelings of anger?

Guilt states I am bad, unworthy, self-blaming, or self-hating.  Did you hurt someone, lie,  not live up to family’s expectations, etc.? If with another, the other person energetically attracted the scenario for their learning.

Depression can be attributed to unrelieved guilt or anger



Author: Robert Zakian

Since 2001 I have provided Intuitive sessions incorporating the Spirituality of India and the psychology of the West. In addition, I provided workshops on Insights For Your Soul's Journey, Emotional Healing, and Meeting Your Spirit Guide. I have studied the teachings of Meher Baba of India and a Shaman of the Native American tradition; also, graduated from the Institute of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and received a Certificate as a Counseling Specialist for Adults from U.C.L.A.

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