
It isn’t easy to sustain a loving relationship if one feels the other person is not listening. To show you care, listen without interrupting; what you think is trivial, the other person may feel it’s essential. Another critical ingredient is respect for the other person’s … Continue ReadingRelationships

What Thoughts

What thoughts impede your progress toward freedom and happiness? Isn’t that what you truly want instead of………………………..  Do use various put-down words to fortify your not being happy or free, i.e., stupid, loser, jerk, why bother, etc.  How can you begin to change the dynamic? … Continue ReadingWhat Thoughts


In the successive incarnations of an individual soul, there is not only a thread of continuity and identity manifested in personal memory and revived in the case of advanced souls, but there is also an uninterrupted reign of the law of cause and effect through … Continue ReadingKarma